6 tools for self-care


Self care is not about being selfish. It's about loving ourselves.

We all need to take care of ourselves, but sometimes it can be hard to know how. 

Self-care is an important part of life that many people neglect until they are feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by life's stresses.

This blog post will teach you six ways to practice self-care and improve your mental health!


1. Meditating

By practicing meditation, you can gain many benefits including reduced stress and anxiety. 

Meditation is a great way to clear your mind of all the little things that bother us throughout our days. It's even been shown to lower blood pressure!

If you don't know how to start with meditation, check out this amazing app called Balance. It's a good way to get introduced to meditation, tackling what you need the most at the moment like sleeping, calming your anxiety or simply feeling grateful. It's free for the whole first year!

2. Getting Enough Sleep

Did you know that most people need seven to nine hours of sleep per night? 

Sleeping is a great way to relax and recharge, but many people neglect their sleep.

Try going into your bedroom at the same time every night and shutting off electronics before bedtime. Creating a ritual or routine will give your brain the cue for getting ready for bedtime.

If you're still struggling with insomnia or another sleeping disorder talk to your doctor about treatment options.


Self-care comes in all shapes and sizes. Everyone's needs are different, so make sure you find what works best for you! Remember: self care isn't selfish; it can be a gift from yourself to yourself.

Self Care

3. Practice a Ritual
The best way to practice self care is by creating rituals for yourself. Rituals are repetitive tasks that you do every day, like taking your vitamins or meditating before bed.

Start by creating one ritual so you know what kind of self-care works best for you! Some people love the idea of having morning tea with their favorite mug, while others prefer an evening ritual like helping with dinner. You'll never know unless you give it a shot and see how it makes you feel.

Making time in your schedule each week will help make sure that these practices become habits and eventually add value to your well being on a daily basis. Make sure they fit into who YOU truly are — be authentic!

Doing things based on how they make YOU feel is the best way to practice self-care! Sometimes it can be hard, but always remember what life would look like if we didn't try new things and meet our goals: not very satisfying, right? 

Life was meant for us all to experience — so take up a hobby you've been interested in since childhood , experiment with cooking recipes you find online , and get out of your comfort zone every once in a while! You'll thank yourself later when these rituals and practices turn into lifelong habits.

By practicing these three things—meditation, getting enough sleep , and finding out what type of self-care works best for you —you can have a happier life! 

Social connection

4. Connect With Others

Oftentimes when we are having a hard time we keep to ourselves. However, it can be very helpful to connect with a peer, a family member, or a professional if you are feeling overwhelmed and isolated. Connection is part of being human. We are social creatures and often times when we feel lonely it can be helpful to reach out to others!

5. Spending time in Nature
Everyone deserves love, comfort, and resilience when going through tough times —practicing self-care can bring us closer towards being our best selves. One very helpful form of self-care is being in nature. Humans are biological beings, and we are inherently connected to the natural world (something called biophilia).     
 Everyone deserves love, comfort, and resilience when going through tough times —practicing self-care can bring us closer towards being our best selves. One very helpful form of self-care is being in nature. Humans are biological beings, and we are inherently connected to the natural world (something called biophilia).


These days we are often pulled away from nature with all of the demands of daily life. But if you can find a few moments on a regular basis to get outside, you may notice the benefits very quickly. It’s easier said than done when it’s freezing cold or hot and humid, but as often as you’re able to, find small ways to breathe in fresh air outside.

6. Movement for Mood
Regular exercise has so many mental health benefits- it releases endorphins which improve mood, reduces feelings of depression and anxiety, improves sleep quality, makes it easier to cope with daily life challenges/stressors etc.


The list goes on! Getting regular physical activity will make you feel more balanced in every aspect of your life. You don't have to be an athlete or do extreme workouts either - any kind of movement counts as exercise (walking, cleaning, stretching).

Regular exercise has so many mental health benefits- it releases endorphins which improve mood, reduces feelings of depression and anxiety, improves sleep quality, makes it easier to cope with daily life challenges/stressors etc.

In order to exercise, we need to fuel our bodies. If you feel like your relationship with food is complicated, try to understand it with mindfulness. We recommend a book called How To Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh. By using mindfulness, you peel back the layers of unhelpful and unhealthy rules about eating and come back to the roots of simple nourishment.

Learning how to take care of yourself when you are feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by life's stresses can give you a sense of control and prevent the negative effects that come with high levels of stress. Spending just a few minutes each day doing something you enjoy - whether it's reading your favorite book, listening to some music, or watching Netflix - will help reduce stress levels and increase happiness over time! Taking breaks to focus on your SELF is important, even if that means simply sitting still for one minute. Everyone’s self care will look different, so find what works for you and start with a small practice.

We hope this blog post was helpful with finding new ways to practice self-care—we wish you all the best on your journey towards wellness.

Meet the Blogger!
Hi, my name is Cristina and I'm a Digital Marketing Consultant. I moved to Acton in 2012. Ever since, it has been my home. I love blogging, books, dark chocolate and Disney movies (my favorite is Mulan!). My husband and I have two kids who keep us busy and happy. You can always count on me to help you with almost anything - I'm always happy to lend a hand!